Saturday, April 13, 2013

Anahata: The Fourth Chakra

There are seven chakras, which are aligned up the center of the body. The first chakra is at the base of the spine and the last one is at the top of the head. The fourth chakra is located at the heart, or near the center of the chest, which is why it is known as the heart chakra. Because of this, Anahata does have to do with your relationships with other people, yourself, and of course, love. The Sanskrit name of this chakra is Anahata, which in english means "unstruck", "unhurt", or "unbeaten". The ruling planet of Anahata is Venus.

This is a picture of where each chakra is located. As you can see, the green one is Anahata. Each chakra is associated with it's own color, element, sound, organ, and sense. Green is the color that represents Anahata. A secondary color could be pink. The element for this chakra is air. Air spreads everywhere, much like how when you're in love, the emotion spreads throughout all of you. The sound is yam, the organ is the chest, and the sense is touch. Anahata is basically all about love and finding peace and harmony with yourself and the rest of the world. Through this heart chakra we learn to love ourselves and others. It is the center of compassion.

Anahata Yoga. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. <>. 

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